CEREC® Same-Day Crowns
in Austin, TX
At Southwest Smiles, we’re always looking to add the latest technologies and services so that our patients receive the most advanced, comfortable care. One of our favorite technologies is the CEREC system. Dr. Chittajallu is one of the few dentists in South Austin offering this technology. With CEREC, dental treatments that used to require multiple visits over many weeks can now be taken care of in just one easy visit! Our patients get the care they need, then jump right back into their lives.
Contact UsWarranty PolicyDental Crowns 101
Crowns are ceramic, tooth-shaped caps that completely cover an existing tooth. We use high-quality materials, tools and technology, such as CEREC, to ensure that your crown looks just like your natural teeth and blends in seamlessly. Before placing your dental crown, we’ll reshape the tooth so that it sits snugly next to the teeth on either side. Then, we’ll take digital impressions of your tooth and fabricate your custom-fitted crown using our CEREC on-site milling unit. We’ll bond your crown in place and have you bite down and move your jaw around to ensure that the crown feels comfortable.
Purpose of Dental Crowns
Wondering if you need a crown? Here are just some of the dental issues crowns can correct:
- Cover Cracked, Chipped, or Broken Teeth
- Replace Missing Teeth with Implants
- Restore Misshapen & Discolored Teeth
- Support Teeth with Large Fillings
- Strengthen Teeth After Root Canal Therapy
What Is CEREC?
Our CEREC (Chairside Economic Restorations of Esthetic Ceramics) machine enables us to restore teeth using a strong ceramic that matches the natural color of your other healthy teeth. CEREC features a special camera that takes optical images of teeth in need of repair. We use the imaging to design the restorations using smile preview software. The computer-aided manufacturing that follows is extremely precise, ensuring a terrific fit when we bond the newly milled restoration to the tooth. The best part of all? This all happens in a single visit! As an added bonus, this one-visit digital process eliminates the need for messy impressions.
Benefits of CEREC
CEREC has been clinically proven through numerous independent scientific studies and in millions of successful restorations all over the world. Restoring damaged teeth now can protect your smile for the future. With CEREC’s natural results, your restorations will be virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Benefits include:
- Same-Day Treatment
- Natural-Looking Results
- No Plastic Temporaries
- No Messy Impressions
- Accurate 3D Imaging