Fluoride Treatments
in Austin, TX
Do you keep up with your routine exams and cleanings? If you do, you have likely heard about fluoride treatments. Fluoride treatments can help prevent cavities and stop tooth decay from developing. At Southwest Smiles, we offer fluoride as a preventive dental care service to patients of all ages. Contact our office to schedule a visit for your fluoride treatment in Austin, TX today!
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How does fluoride help prevent tooth decay?
Fluoride is a natural mineral found in water or food and can help boost oral health by strengthening the tooth enamel. Besides strengthening the tooth enamel, fluoride can also help prevent decay. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by teaming up with the natural calcium and phosphate found in saliva to create a coat of defense against cavities. Fluoride treatment is often quick and simple!

Who can benefit from dental fluoride treatments?
While fluoride is found in water and food, the dental fluoride procedure contains more amounts of fluoride that can effectively prevent cavities and stop tooth decay. Children and adults of any age can benefit from dental fluoride procedures. The earlier children are exposed to fluoride, the more likely their teeth can prevent cavities. Fluoride treatment is also beneficial if you have weak teeth that are often susceptible to decay. We often apply or recommend fluoride after your teeth cleaning so it is effective. Find out more about the benefits of fluoride.

How long does a fluoride treatment last?
When receiving topical fluoride, you’ll be asked to refrain from eating, drinking, or brushing for at least 30 minutes after the application to allow the fluoride to be fully absorbed by your teeth. Even though the varnish will wash away, the effects of fluoride will stay for several months after. The amount of dental fluoride for kids and adults will vary as well as the frequency of treatment. When you visit Southwest Smiles, we’ll examine your teeth and recommend how often you should schedule a fluoride treatment.
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